Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Starting Out

For quite a while, I have had the desire to be a critic--in fact, I have even been told by others that I should be a critic. In conversations with those around me, I evaluate everything from films, to books, to restaurants, and even products I use every day. This isn't because I belive my opinions to be more valuable than any one else's or anything like that. More because I often find it helpful to be able to get information on something before I try it, whether that is reading a review before I go to a movie, buy a book, or buy a product. This research doesn't mean I change my opinion based on one person's review. Instead, I try to get as much information about something as possible, simply so I know what to expect. After the purchase is made or movie watched, I also enjoy finding out who agrees with my assesments of things and who does not.

Since I enjoy reading critiques as well as discussing my opinions with those around me, I decided to enter the blogosphere and give everyone else one more opinion to help them gather their own research. I hope you all enjoy it and I look forward to writing many more entries.

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